Coexistence of Jaguars and People

Seeking alternative livestock management to minimize conflicts over big cat attacks in Salto Encantado Provincial Park neighboring farms

The advance of livestock to forest areas inhabited by the jaguar has historically generated a conflict between farmers and the great cat, because it makes attacks on the livestock. The answer to this has historically been the killing of jaguars, which has wiped out large areas of Argentina and the continent.

It is a lose-lose conflict; the farmer his cows and the jaguar his life.

Today it is one of the main causes of extinction of our Spotty.

Through this program, we seek to find alternatives that achieve coexistence, win-win: livestock production continue and yaguaretés too.

Conditioning wire fences

In a pilot farm, a 13 hectares fence was built with 7 galvanized wire lines and is connected electricity (5,500 volts) which is supplied by a solar panel, with the aim that any Jaguar or Puma who try to enter, receive a electric shock that drives him away.

Inside this fence, which has permanent pastures and water sources, we maintained all calves, pregnant cows and sick animals, those most vulnerable to feline’s attack.

We have already proved that this system is successful because they have been no attacks in it, while other have happened in neighboring farms.

Area monitoring

The fact that no big cat attacks on domestic livestock are recorded, is not unequivocal sign of success of the implemented system. We need to know if there are Jaguars moving in the area.

We perform a surrounding monitoring wich consists of:

Tracks registration

Whether on roads and private properties. This valuable information allows us to know the areas where jaguars are moving.

Identification of individuals using camera traps.

Thus we can know the movement of jaguars and pumas in the area and even identify individuals by analyzing their unique spot patterns, as Mombyry (above), a Jaguar recorded for the first time in december 2013.

Working together

This program is carried out with the invaluable contribution of our donor partners, also has the support of the Ministry of Ecology of Misiones province, the Felix de Azara Natural History Foundation, the Small Grants Program of the United Nations and San Ignacio Adventure Hostel.

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